Since version [1.16] the contents of the rangoon-package has changed. < card-deck > The package comes with five card-deck files: RAN41X41.BMP (for EGA), RAN41X55.BMP (for 640x480 VGA), RAN51X69.BMP (for 800x600 VGA) and RAN61X85.BMP (for 1024x756 VGA). The file ALT41X55.BMP is also for 640x480 VGA, but has has larger indices and suit-patterns for better recognition. The old file RANDECK.BMP cannot be used anymore, since the internal layout has been changed. < title-screen > The file RANTITLE.BMP is no longer a seperate part of the package (the bitmap is embedded in the executable). < profile > There are minor changes in the private-profile RANGOON.INI: the items "Title", "MoveCount", "FlushDelay" and "PlayDelay" are no longer present; the items "UserName", "Tournament", "NrGames", "NrDeals" and "CheatLevel" are no longer present, but remain in the .IQA file; the items "MoveDelay", "MoveRate", "ShowMove" and "DragMode" are new. < history > The administration-file *.IQA is not changed.